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Hobson-Zingo $10 Cussin' Patch Kit

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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The latest genius from the infertile minds at Hobson-Zingo. This be-tinned patch kit with a cussword cover is just the ticket the unoffendable bicycle rider. Buy it for the tin, the contents, below, are the gravy:

(1) "Cussing Tin" 3" x 1.5" x 3/4". Currently the world's best reusable patchkit tin.

(8) Dime-sized normal patches. We sell spares, too. Best size for most holes.

(1)  Quarter-sized normal patch. After you use it go "all dime- sized."

(1) Slightly bigger glueless patch, to slow a leak. No need to replace it.

(1) Usable-sized  sandpaper patch. Refresh it at a hardware store cheap.

(1) Basic instruction sheet that we didn't write, and it refers to abrading the puncture with a rasp, when in fact it should say "the sandpaper." Rasps are those metal cheese-grater-like things that old Camel-brand and Schwinn-approved patch kits contained. Otherwise, the instructions are good, but in the final rubbing one, they show rubbing the patch with a finger, and we recommend a smooth side of the tire lever or some other implement you can really press down on.

Tip: If the slight rattle bothers you, put a wad of paper or anything in it. Just fill up the air. Easy!